Sunday 9 January 2011

The Healthy lifestyle......................preliminaries

Well No 6 on my list was to go back to my healthy lifestyle (diet to you and me but it sounds worse!!! LOL)
So I am standing on the edge of the obyss, looking forward, non to happily but determined 
Some stats first...................................ouch, this is going to hurt
            Weight............18 stone 8 pounds
Bust............... 48 inches
Waist............. 45 Inches
 Hips............... 57 Inches
Overall size.... 26+
Gee just say it quick and it doesn't sound so bad BUT needs must!!!!
The healthy lifestyle I will try to follow is The South Beach Diet, now this diet is very miss understood and if you understand the theory behind it, it makes sense

So here goes.........................its all about how we process sugar in our food and how ALL processed foods contain hidden sugar
.....................did you know that there was more sugar in a slice of bread than a teaspoon!!!! Shocking isn't it, so it matters not what you put in your sandwich cos you are gettting about 3 teaspoons in an average sandwich!!!!

Sugar is broken down and released into our bodies at various rates, the less fibre in the food, the quicker the sugar release, the quicker the sugar release, the bigger body high you get from it, the bigger the high, the hungrier you feel and not to mention the craving for more!!!

The idea is to eat high fibre foods so that the sugar release
is slow and controlled, 
therefore less peaks and troughs and less craving
The diet, if used properly, identifies what foods 
you can and cannot eat.
Have you ever wondered why it is that you can eat sensibly but still not loose weight. Well for those, like me, who do not eat junk foods (crisps, sweets and chocolate) can never shift the pounds???? The answer is that you are eating a food or group of foods that does not suit your body.
How the diet works.............................for 2 whole weeks you eat nothing but vegetables, lean meat, a few nuts and eggs. It's a corker isn't it, really tough BUT don't starve,
eat as much as you can...........................
YES no potatoes, no dairy, no wheat and tea/coffee must be black.....................
are you over the shock yet???? LOLOL
The real clever bit comes in on week 3 when
you introduce a food group, 
so in week 3 you introduce dairy and see what happens to your weight.
It is individual to you, never introduce more than one food a week. 
I will be posting every Monday on my progress and 
you are more than welcome to join me, if you dare. 
Just remember that if you have a medical condition 
make sure you are ok to follow this
Good Luck
Beary Hugs
Sue xxxx

PS you will notice a slight dizzy spell around Wednesday, it should be only brief, its the lack of sugar which the body can live without, if it continues or you faint then check it out with your GP xxx

1 comment:

customteddys said...

Sounds very interesting.... I just can't seem to get rid of this middle tire around my waist that I have developed over the past few years. I attribute it to age... it bugs me. I'll be staying tuned to your progress. Good luck.