Horrible isn't it, this is my bedroom or was!!!!
A chance conversation with my other half led me to
believe that this monstrosity had been painted
You can imagine my face when I came home
friday to discover that it had not been painted and
how on earth did I think that it would be when we have no paint!!!
I ask you, he says LOL
I have to say I was gutted, when funds are limited
there are certain things that have to go by the way side
and decorating is one of them.
Due to very pouting mouth and near tears,
he promised to go out the very next day and get some paint, YAY!!!
We have lived here for 10 years and have not done a thing
exept the odd lick of paint. So the house is well neglected.
I have to say the draw of buying mohair does tend to
overshadow all else in this house.
Anyway, paint chart in sticky mitts, off we pops to Homebase.
Along the first isle was a trolley with some wallpaper in it,
not expecting to find anything nice, I gave it a cursery glance,
hubby, on the other hand, delved right in. He loves wallpaper
and is very opinionated on the subject, even down to the colour!!
(our very first argument was over wallpaper LOL)
You can imagine my surprise when he found
8 rolls of Arthouse, vintage paper at £1.50, even better they were
having a 15% day so it cost £1.27, you can't beat that.
Here is the result
What a difference, amazing, in one short day
we have treansformed the room
The cost ........
.......wallpaper ...............................£8.89
.........curtains ................................£9.99
.......crystal (plastic) chandelier........ £16.00
...........red cushions...................... £3.98
........total .......................................£38.86
..............the throw I bought about 6 years ago and refused
to use until I had a nice bedroom
A bargain all round really.
As for bear making I only had time to finish a little commission,
so me thinks I have a bear making weekend coming next weekend
Hope you like it..........................and the moral is,
you may be poor but you can have a nice house
(I hope your reading this hubby LOL)
I love your redecorating. You are so patient... The bedroom looks very cosy and warm :) Hugs
Ah thanks Vicki, over the years I have had to shut the mess off or I would have cried, I can't wallpaper and even if I could he would have stopped me. LOL He is inspired now to carry on so thats good xxx
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